Wordsmith Services?

Resumes, websites, product descriptions, bios?

Do you struggle to find the perfect word? Do you put off writing product descriptions? Does setting aside time to update your website or resume get adding to the procrastination pile? Then our in house, self-proclaimed “Word Nerd” is your gal.

With majors in Linguistics and Media & Cultural Studies as well as a degree in English, your writing needs will be in safe hands.



Professional Consultancy.

Our talented consultants are passionate about sharing their knowledge with you, to help you reach your goals. Whether you are starting out in a new venture, wanting help to develop a seminar or training package, or just want to boost your business’ image, we have the right people for the job.

Image Consultant

Using experience in psychology, marketing and social science, our image consultant can give you real and honest feedback on why you are not receiving the sales and referrals you were hoping for.

Education Consultant

With experience in developing and delivering training across multiple industries, our Education Consultant will help you create engaging course material to ensure your clients and students have a positive experience. We know that work of mouth is one of the best advertisements, so you need to make sure yours is fantastic.

